We have over 180 members in our Landcare Group and we are proud to be one of the largest active Landcare groups in North East Victoria. The Greta Valley Landcare Group is not just about tree planting – our Landcare group has a strong community focus and we try to run workshops and events that appeal to all members of our local area.
In 2024, we have a number of projects and events planned for our Group and local community:
- Two events – Freshwater Turtles and a Cultural Knowledge Walk & Talk focusing on large old trees
- Revegetation program funding over 5 000 plants at sites in the catchment
- Establishment of 200 new paddock trees in the landscape
- Additional planting, weed control and installation of explanatory signage along the Moyhu Walking Track to the King River.
The group also auspices ‘The Greta Bunyip’ newsletter, which promotes local news throughout the catchment.
Members have access to equipment available for loan at subsided rates. We can also help you to develop ideas for projects to improve farm productivity and protect and enhance environmental assets on your land.
Membership is just $33 per calendar year per family in 2024 (increasing to $40 per year inc. GST in 2025) which we believe offers fantastic value. Please support your local Landcare Group, as these funds help to pay for our insurance and running costs which are not covered by grants.
To sign up, please download our application form and mail your payment and form to c/o 44 Moloneys Road, Greta West VIC 3675, OR pay by direct debit and email your application to secretary@gretalandcare.org.au.
If you would like to find out any other information about joining our Group, please Contact Us or call Anthony Griffiths (Treasurer) on 0429 950 712.