Our Community

We have a number of community groups who help to support our Landcare Group, through providing services for our events, meetings and workshops. Please help to support them in return!

Moyhu Lions Club

Help to support Greta Valley Landcare Group functions with their excellent catering. Email moyhu.vic@lions.org.au or contact Nicole Lindsay (Secretary) on 0458 512 903 for further information.

Moyhu Soldiers Memorial Hall

We use this facility for meetings and events. The Hall Committee has excellent catering. Contact Josie Sampson (Secretary) on agsampson10@gmail.com or 5727 9509 for bookings.

Greta Hansonville Hall

We use this facility for meetings and events. Contact Noeleen Lloyd (Secretary) on noeleenlloyd@gmail.com or 0427 276 372 for bookings.

The King Valley Community Men’s Shed

Have helped our Group by making parrot, glider and bat nest boxes for our restoration projects. Located in Moyhu, open on a Wednesday from 9am to 4pm. All enquiries to the King Valley Learning Exchange on 5727 9548.

The Moyhu Buzz

A monthly electronic newsletter to keep the Moyhu community informed and connected. Our Landcare Group always has a regular column to keep you up to date with our news. Please subscribe at thebuzzmoyhu@gmail.com

The Greta Bunyip

A bimonthly newsletter compiled, edited, printed and distributed by volunteers in the Greta Catchment. Our Landcare Group always has a regular page to keep you up to date with our news. Submissions for the newsletter can be emailed to gretabunyip@gmail.com

King Valley Grapevine

The Grapevine hard copy newsletter covers over 1300 households in the King Valley and they regularly help to advertise our events. Contributions can be emailed to kvle@people.net.au