Linking Landcare in the King River catchment

Funding Sources: Murray-Darling Healthy Rivers Program (Round 2)

Timeline: April 2022 – December 2023

Funding received: $69 300

Project Description

Four local Landcare Groups have come together to deliver this project to protect our local biodiversity and river health in the King River and 15 Mile Creek catchments in North East Victoria. This is a great collaborative effort to help deliver funding incentives to our communities.

The project area encompasses the King River and Fifteen Mile Creek catchments, including the main waterways and smaller tributaries and gullies, that fall within the Greta Valley, Edi Black Range, Carboor Bobinawarrah and King Basin Landcare Groups.

You will need to be a member of your local Group to received funding support. New members are welcome to join to take advantage of the funding offer. Contact details for the four groups are:

  • Greta Valley Landcare Group – Contact Bre (Secretary) on
  • Carboor Bobinawarrah Landcare Group – Contact Shelley (Secretary) on
  • Edi Black Range Catchment Group – Contact Kathy (Secretary) on
  • King Basin Landcare Group – Contact Rosemary (Secretary) on

This project will support members of our local community to improve their knowledge of riparian management and develop practical skills in the management of waterways and gullies.

Project aim

Our project aims to enhance the quality of the riparian habitat and reduce sedimentation by managing gully erosion on smaller tributaries through targeted fencing and revegetation.  We will fence 5km of waterway and revegetate 5ha of riparian land in this project.

What funding is available for landholders?

Funding is available to assist with:

  • Fencing to enable the establishment of native vegetation, develop a buffer zone to improve water quality and help maintain ground cover for erosion control. We have funding to support 5km of fencing along waterways with a fencing rebate of $6/m. The width of fencing will vary depending on the size of the waterways being fenced. A minimum width of 10m will apply to the King River, Boggy Creek, Meadow Creek, Fifteen Mile Creek and other similar sized waterways.
  • Revegetation along waterways using native shrubs and trees. We have 6000 native tube stock available for planting on waterways. Cardboard guards will be supplied to protect plants. The landholder will be required to contribute $0.50/unit for the plants.

Application Process

Fencing and planting must be completed by the end of August 2022. Applications are now open until 30th April 2022. Please get your ideas for sites by this date to ensure you are considered in the first round of funding. If additional funding remains, we will offer a second round of applications.

Download an application form. Completed application forms can be emailed to Sally Day at

Depending on the level of interest, we may not be able to fund all sites. Proposed sites will be assessed and we will do what we can to help as many members as possible in a fair manner. We will advise you if we can’t fund your site. Read more about the grant application process.

Please call Sally Day (Project Officer) on 0437 136 162 or Penny Raleigh (Ovens Landcare Facilitator) on 0427 613 970 for more information or to have an application form posted to you.

Delivered Outcomes

Over the course of the last 18 months we have successfully engaged with landholders to deliver:

– 9 sites in the catchment protecting a total of 15.1 hectares of riparian vegetation on six properties

– Erected 5200 metres of riparian fencing

– Planted a total of 8540 indigenous trees and shrubs, revegetating an area of 14.4 hectares.

This year we have experimented with taking some drone footage of some of our larger sites to show the scale of our planting with help from one of our volunteer members. This site at Upper Lurg had over 5100 native trees and shrubs planted with the assistance of the Landmate Team from Beechworth Correctional Centre.


A selection of photos from the finalised site are included below, please hover over individual photos to read captions.

This project is supported by the Australian Government’s Murray-Darling Healthy Rivers Small Grants program