Useful Links

Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning

Visit Website

03 5723 8600 (Wangaratta)

Responsibilities:  Native vegetation and wildlife, weeds and game licence.

Landmate – Environment Program

The Landmate crews are available to work within 100km of the Beechworth Correctional Centre. Crews can assist with fencing, tree planting, watering, guarding, weed control, vermin control, erosion management and general land reclamation and improvement services. Depending on the type of funding for you site, you may be eligible for labour assistance from Landmate at no cost to your environmental project.

Visit Website

To find out more, please contact Landmate on 1300 365 500 or discuss your project further by getting in touch with us.

NatureKit Interactive Map

Visit Website

The NatureKit Interactive Map is an easy to use tool to display and produce maps of Victoria’s biodiversity, native vegetation, flora and fauna data. It is useful for looking up vegetation types (Ecological Vegetation Classes) and other natural features such as wetlands, waterway names and locations of public land.

Agriculture Victoria

Visit Website

03 5723 8600 (Wangaratta)

Responsibilities: Agriculture Victoria is a portfolio of the Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources and covers land and soil health and other information relative to agricultural activities in Victoria, including pest plant and animal control.

North East Catchment Management Authority

Visit Website

02 6043 7600 (Wodonga)

Responsibilities: Advice for management of waterways in North East Victoria, Works on Waterways permits, floodplain management, and projects to support sustainable agriculture, biodiversity, land and soil health.

Rural City of Wangaratta

Visit Website

03 5722 0888 (Wangaratta)

Responsibilities: Planning permits, drainage and stormwater, firewood collection, management roadside reserves, native vegetation removal permits.

Bureau of Meteorology

Visit Website

Individual Page Links:

Trust for Nature

Visit Website

1800 999 933

Responsibilities: Trust for Nature work to protect native plants and wildlife in partnership with private landholders in Victoria.

Goulburn Murray Water

Visit Website

1800 013 357 (Shepparton)

Responsibilities: Licenses for take and use of water, irrigation, dams and bores, and blue green algae reporting.

Environment Protection Authority (EPA)

Visit Website

1300 372 843

Responsibilities: Licences/approvals for waste disposal, advice on waste chemical spills, pollution, reporting for littering, fish kills.