It was 2011 when the Rural City of Wangaratta encouraged local communities to become proactive and united, thus facilitating a greater opportunity for state and local government funding of community projects. As part of this “unification” the Greta & District Action Group was formed. Many of you might remember the meetings at the Greta Sporting Complex when a number of people offered to become “champions” of certain projects within the community. Darren Ross offered to be the champion for a local newsletter.
The Bunyip newsletter was created and is still in circulation, written and edited by Darren for the first 5 years. Initially a private donation helped get our local newsletter up and going along with an annual grant of $250 from The Rural City Council of Wangaratta. Other revenue was raised from sponsorship and advertising.
The Greta Bunyip’ is a local newsletter compiled, edited, printed and distributed by volunteers in the Greta Catchment. The demand from local groups to be better informed and to communicate more effectively with their community and surrounds has meant The Bunyip has remained in existence.
The current editor for The Bunyip is Kris Porker and your copy is hand delivered by a team of dedicated locals. The Bunyip is printed and collated by Kris then delivered in bundles to Anthony Griffiths, Trish Wadley, Darren Ross, Allan Porker, Frank Ryan, Francis O’Brien, and Bill McMonigal who donate their time and travel to deliver the 420 copies to our local residents. A further 60 copies are delivered electronically.
The newsletter continues to be financially supported by a grant from the Rural City of Wangaratta, although much smaller than in earlier years, in addition to the 3 or 4 sponsors who advertise in the newsletter.
You are invited to participate by offering ideas or written articles for the Bunyip. Submissions for the newsletter can be emailed to