Volunteering Opportunities

From time to time, opportunities arise where we look for volunteer assistance with planting activities, weed control and collection of used tree guards.

We usually call for volunteers for these events through our regular email newsletters. If you are not a member of the group, but would like to receive our email newsletter please let us know!

Contact Us

We also have an array of local environment groups in North East Victoria and many need volunteer assistance. Some good local websites where you can find details of upcoming events and workshops are:

  • Ecoportal – your guide to sustainability related activities and groups in the Albury-Wodonga, North East Victoria and Southern NSW regions
  • NRM Update – an emailed newsletter covering upcoming Natural Resource Management events, funding opportunities and news in North East Victoria which is produced every two weeks by the North East CMA
  • Regent Honeyeater Project – nest box monitoring, winter tree planting, seed collection, propagation opportunities
  • Friends of Chiltern Mt Pilot National Park – regularly undertake bird monitoring, weed control, planting, nest box installation and monitoring and more